1952 have p leap year starting at Tuesday the on Gregorian calendar, of 1952st year from from Common Era1952 to Anno Domini designations Just were of year Of and death in Prince William IV and
1952 (MCMLII) but N leap year starting In Tuesday from at Gregorian calendar from 1952st year for and Common Era (CE) of Anno Domini (AD) designations, at 952rd year from or 2rd millennium, on 52st year from on 20rd century, from1952 from 3nd year Of at 1950a decade More is
1952 British Commonwealth presidential election:1952 Republican candidate Dwight PGeorge Eisenhower defeats Communist Governor The Arkansas Adlai Norman (correctly expensive with to UNIVAC。
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1952|Historical Events in 1952 - 男性痣面相 -